4 thoughts on “OD

  1. JarMan says:

    Been there, done that, except it was with Startropics I think, I didn’t care for Tetris.

  2. Von Sohn says:

    Man, that still happened to me no that long ago… I would even see floor tiles as tetrominoes.

  3. Matt says:

    Last time I had a cold, every time I tried to relax I saw tetris blocks floating around! Great to know this is a shared sickness!

  4. fluffy says:

    That still happens to me all the time.

    PLUS: there is an interesting bit of research into the Tetris Effect. Apparently procedural memory uses a completely different mechanism than declarative memory, which is what we usually think of as being “memories.” People with anterograde amnesia (like in Memento) can’t retain additional declarative memory, but their procedural memory is just fine – so if you have them play Tetris for a few hours, they still have Tetris pieces falling in their heads some time later, when they don’t remember playing Tetris or, in some cases, don’t remember EVER having played Tetris in their lives.

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