“A New Year” Inks

This is an example of some slight changes made when inking. His head looked really weird to me in the rough, and now the inks look really weird to me. Oh well, you can’t keep producing stuff if you keep going back and changing your mind, you need to move forward and do the best you can in the time you have.

See the final version here:

youtube link

“Shooting Pencil” Cleanups, CTNX

This is an example of what I do when I clean up the storyboard panels: the perspective is there, but I just needed to add a little more detail. I don’t draw all of the details in the storyboards because I’m going to be cleaning it up anyway and it would be a waste of time. I have to move so quickly when making these. I do all the cleanup/animation for four shorts in a couple weeks just working mornings.

Also, I’m at <a href=”http://www.ctnanimationexpo.com/”>CTNX in Burbank</a> right now! Come by and visit!