A forgotten driving force of Domino’s Pizza sales in the eighties was the Noid. Animated and designed by the Will Vinton studios (the same people who brought you the California Raisins) was a character would would try to ruin your pizzas before they got to your house. He was an ugly little man who I couldn’t tell had red skin or was just dressed up. He would jump around, laugh and yell and get squished or hurt in every commercial.
Domino’s even made little figures and a video game based on the character. Warning: avoid the game it is not good.
The Noid should go down in history as a true icon because there wasn’t another character like him. Sure you have mascots who are trying to steal or eat said food, but none who are as ugly, weird, annoying or as stupid as the Noid, especially none who get hurt as much.
I raise up my slice of Domino’s in the air for you Noid. Here’s to a truly annoying little pizza demon, where ever you may be.

5 thoughts on “Icons of the Analog Age: The Noid

  1. Thomas says:

    Judging from the animation and his expressions, the Noid is not half bad. Nowhere as bad, in fact, as most of the ugly cartooning you see nowadays. I bet you secretly enjoyed him. 😉

  2. Makoto Yogoku says:

    He event starred in an NES game called “Yo! Noid” – It’s the US/Europe version of Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru

  3. Corey Stockley says:

    I actually thought the game was one of the best on the NES. I still have it somewhere in my closet.

  4. Chris E. says:

    Yeah! I remember the dreaded Yo Noid game. Avoid the Noid! He ruins pizzas AND video games.

  5. Blaed says:

    Will Vinton is the man! I loved all those season specials they did. I even liked his religious stuff like Martin the Cobbler

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