You start to hear the sounds of the morning, the wind rustling the leaves, the chirping of the birds and that’s when you realize what day it is–Saturday! Cartoons! All week long you’ve been starved of cartoons, and now it is your time to feast! You throw off the covers, shove your feet in your slippers and sprint downstairs!

Grab that big bowl of C-3POs, adjust the antennae and plop down on the floor for your weekly dose of animated fun!

This is “Analog Agent Benjamin” coming at you this week with… Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

Does anyone here remember when Fox started its own line-up of Saturday Morning Cartoons? Well I do, and one of the first Fox cartoons I ever saw was Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (based on the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes movies).

This cartoon was one of the “It’s so silly, it’s fun” shows that I would love to watch as a kid. Like the movies, the series was about the “Angry” Scientist Dr. Putrid T. Gangreen and his army of Mutated Killer Tomatoes trying to take over the world, only to be stopped every time by a group of unlikely heroes like Tara Boumdeay (a tomato turned human), F.T. (a fur-covered tomato), Chad Finletter, and Wilbur Finletter (the Great Tomato War veteran).

So, did anyone here see this show when it was on? And if so, what did you think of it?

12 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Cartoon: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

  1. Chris Sobieniak says:

    I didn’t care for it, perhaps because the last episode had to be a möbius strip of sorts to get you to watch it from the beginning again (like The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo).

    1. benjamin says:

      What is a möbius strip?

      1. Chris Sobieniak says:

        Basically, the end is the beginning (Wikipedia gives a rather scientific and complex definition of this so I bothered shortening it, though perhaps there’s another term for that I don’t know of), and that’s what goes on in that last episode.

    2. gabe says:

      That doesn’t sound good at all. I can’t believe you watched the whole thing!

      1. Chris Sobieniak says:

        I should’ve knew better!

  2. Chris Sobieniak says:

    Also of note, the second season or whatever of this show switched animation studios for one that made use of computers to animate the figures with, and it shows rather poorly I felt.

    1. benjamin says:

      I know, I really did not like the look of the animation they used in second season, so I did not even bother watching the second season.

      1. Chris Sobieniak says:

        It was certainly a dumb decision on their part, but I’m sure they thought they were saving money than sending it overseas like everybody else.

        1. gabe says:

          Actually they did this whole show in the states, in San Diego to be exact. I know a couple people that worked on it. They were animating on Amigas.

          1. Chris Sobieniak says:

            That’s what I thought, I was just referring to the first season as I think they did that show elsewhere. The second season was when they went the computer route.

          2. Chris Sobieniak says:

            Neat though they did them on Amigas.

  3. fluffy says:

    I only saw a few episodes but I remember it being stupid fun. I’ll probably feel otherwise if I go back and try watching it again (like the Little Shop of Horrors cartoon from the same era, or even things like Animaniacs and Tiny Toons that are still considered classics by many).

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