7 thoughts on “The Grate

  1. Wolf says:

    Repeat Offender. We had a Painted Square. Anyone remember the TV show Recess? They had an episode about this type of punishment. Actually, I think what made it most effective was they made us face the playground the whole time watching other kids play.

    1. gabe says:

      Totally agree. It was even worse when you can see them, but can’t join them!

  2. Matthew Koh says:

    grate = prison

  3. Wolf says:

    I sometimes pass that old school. The playground that used to house the square is now just a space between two buildings. The new one sits on the far end of the other side of the school. But I don’t know if there is a square anymore.

    1. gabe says:

      It’s amazing how much things change and how time just overwrites the past. The only school that’s still standing that I attended is my High School, and that was completely redone.

  4. Wolf says:

    My High School Building is long gone. 2002 was the last class to graduate. Now its an empty lot.

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