This is what my “scripts” look like. They aren’t really formatted as scripts, they are more like dialogue with what you see underneath. I’ll go through and just write it, then take another pass on the visuals, make adjustments, then save it. Weeks later, I’ll pull it out and rework it if it needs it.

I still have yet to write a proper “script”, but this system seems to work just fine for me…

Deer Bologna
My Biological Dad was a deer hunter. He hunted with a bow and arrow
-Daddy with his bow and arrow

and one hunting season he got a deer
-shoots arrow os

In Pennsylvania , they are very strict about tracking all the deer killed,
-tying the deer down

and make sure that you use all the parts of the deer.
-reveal of deer on roof

You could get a taxidermy trophy
-deer on wall

a gun rack
-antler gun rack

or even deer bologna.
-Daddy giving me a bag

It was delicious.
-eating it
It had a very unique taste, and texture.

and I wanted to share it.
-on bag
-cut wide to in front of class with the bag

I don’t think the rest of the kids liked it as much as me…
-pan as kids disgusted

Final short:

youtube link

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