16 thoughts on “Beware The Spider

  1. Savage says:

    Thankfully we never bought that game. Great drawn emotions!

    1. gabe says:

      Beware…beware…take care

  2. Lamar the Revenger says:

    The worst game on the planet.

    1. Gabe Swarr says:

      You should befriend the Spider Lamar!

  3. Wolf says:

    Ahh!! The 80’s were a mine field of childhood trama. This is why we turned out this way…

    1. Gabe Swarr says:

      Couldn’t agree more!

  4. fluffy says:

    I never heard of this game, but I also couldn’t play Operation or Perfection. At least, not when they were turned on. I’d just do them both using the honor system (batteries removed or timer not activated, respectively).

    1. gabe says:

      That’s totally cheating! 🙂

  5. Chris Sobieniak says:

    Worst I had was a fear of snakes brought on by a friend of my brother’s who had one of those plastic toy snakes that move if you hold it a certain way. Somehow it use to annoy me to see them since my friend was always bringing over live ones all the time. I was probably 5 when this was happening.

    1. gabe says:

      Yikes! Snakes! Man, did grow up a snake-a-phobe?

  6. Wolf says:

    Hey kids. Want to know why your parents recoil in horror at pictures of spiders? When I was in school our 2nd-8th grade Library had Spider month. They had all those books, and magazines with all the close ups of real live spiders on the front cover on a table next to the front door. You had to walk right past it. (shivers)

    1. gabe says:

      Ugh! Yikes! Yep, that would do it!

  7. Elura says:

    I remember as a child my parents got me a game called Crocodile Dentist. The who point of the game was to pull the teeth out of it’s mouth without it lunging towards you. When it lunged towards you it would make a strange, loud, noise that terrified me to the point that I would jump on the couch and not come down till the game was taken away. Long story short my parents had to return it because I couldn’t/wouldn’t play with it.

    1. gabe says:

      I’m convinced that those kind of games are more for the parents’ amusement and less for the children’s amusement.

  8. Wolf says:

    The Operation Buzzer goes up there with game sounds you never can get rid of.

    1. gabe says:

      Someone should record it for a ringtone! 🙂

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