Beg your Mom for some quarters, jump on your bike, ride down to that dark, smokey, noisy and slightly dangerous home for one of your video games– the Arcade!

This is “Analog Agent Benjamin” coming at you this week with…. TMNT the NES Game

Have you ever played a game that you loved & hated at the same time? Will that was the filling I got every time I played the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game for the NES as a kid. As a big time TMNT fan, I thought it was great that there was a NES game being made and I was very happy when I got one for my birthday. Then I started playing it and all that love turned into hate. I think this video I found can sum-up everything that was wrong with this game (warning: this video may not be safe to view at work because of the language used in the song).

Even though this game was bad, TMNT fans still play it to this day, because it was the “first” TMNT game ever made. Thank goodness we finally got some good ones (like TMNT 2: The Arcade Game)

So did anyone here have this game as a kid? Did you hate this game as much as me? Did you throw down your controller in great anger? Did you yell? Did you break anything?

2 thoughts on “Analog Arcade: TMNT the NES Game

  1. Peanut says:

    Man….that flipping seaweed…..think this was the first game ever to make me throw a controller!! One day we got past the seaweed, got all the way to the Thunder Dome stage and then my parents said we had to go out somewhere…so I turned the TV off and HID the console under a blanket so that I could leave it on all day so I wouldn’t have to start again. When we got home I think it must have overheated or something because it was turned off. Worst day of my young life! 😀

    1. benjamin says:

      I remember that pink seaweed. 🙁 I could never get past that stage without the help of the Game Genie.

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