You start to hear the sounds of the morning, the wind rustling the leaves, the chirping of the birds and that’s when you realize what day it is–Saturday! Cartoons! All week long you’ve been starved of cartoons, and now it is your time to feast! You throw off the covers, shove your feet in your slippers and sprint downstairs!

Grab that big bowl of C-3POs, adjust the antennae and plop down on the floor for your weekly dose of animated fun!

This is “Analog Agent Benjamin” coming at you this week with…. C.O.P.S

This was a cool show, unlike other cartoons at the time (most of them about Super Heroes), this show was about everyday heroes (Cops) fighting crime–in a future time!

Like many shows at the time, they had PSAs at the end of each episode that gave lessons about the law. But what made the ones for C.O.P.S different was that some of them stared the bad guys giving the lessons. Now that was the one thing about this show that got my attention. It’s like if the good guy tells you that stealing and lying is wrong, then it’s no big deal to you because you already know it’s wrong, but if a bad guys tells you it wrong, then you pay attention. And that’s the one thing I always found odd about the PSA’s for C.O.P.S.

Did anyone else also find it odd that they had some of the bad guys doing the PSAs for the show? Did you also find it odd that they changed the name to Cyber Cops when the live action Cops series went on the air?

4 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Cartoon: C.O.P.S

  1. Chris Sobieniak says:

    I never did watch this show much at all at the time, but I do recall the name change anyway (though the title of the show clearly was an acronym).

  2. Manny says:

    Never cared much for this Cartoon although to this day I still say “BESERKO” in the voice of the main bad guy…and I remember I had the one action figure that came with the robot dog because…well who can resist a robot dog?

  3. Gaff says:

    I did watch it, but the one thing that sticks in my memory about it is the end credits. It typically ran a roll call of the heroes, then villains, but for some reason there was always a station announcing the next show as the good guys were named, and it always stopped just as the villains were being named. I can remember the name of every villain on that show to this day, but none of the C.O.P.S. themselves.

  4. James Childress says:

    With episodes like “Crystal Twist” (drugs), you can’t really hate the bad guys. They are bad, but not evil.

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