You start to hear the sounds of the morning, the wind rustling the leaves, the chirping of the birds and that’s when you realize what day it is–Saturday! Cartoons! All week long you’ve been starved of cartoons, and now it is your time to feast! You throw off the covers, shove your feet in your slippers and sprint downstairs!

Grab that big bowl of C-3POs, adjust the antennae and plop down on the floor for your weekly dose of animated fun!

This is “Analog Agent Benjamin” coming at you this week with…. Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice was another mid 80’s cartoon based on a hit 80’s movie of the same name, and to me, was much better than the movie it was based on.

Now while the cartoon series was good, they did make some changes from the movie to make this more kid friendly for Saturday Morning TV. For starters, Beetlejuice himself was changed from a pervert into a fun loving trouble maker, Lydia Deetz was changed from a Depressed Goth Teenager into a Happy Goth Girl, and the Maitlands (the most significant characters in the movie) are nowhere to be found in the series. But other than that, it was a very fun show to watch.

Did any of you find it odd when the series moved from ABC to the Fox Network? How much punny-er can one show be?

4 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Cartoon: Beetlejuice

  1. Yeah I remember this strange cartoon and how weird it was. I still enjoyed it, but I think I like the movie more.

    Awhile back I was reading about Beetlejuice, did you know that apperently the movie was supposed to be a lot darker and more violent, up to including a scene where Lydia is raped by Battlejuice? When the movie studio bought the script I guess massive changes were made.

    Some days I think to myself, man, I would have liked to have seen the original concept.

    What about the game? Did you ever play the NES game? Ridiculously hard and not even remotely close to the franchise.

    1. benjamin says:

      Yes, I did play the NES game and it was not fun at all, but then it was made by LJN Games, so you knew it was going to be a bad game to start with. 🙁

      Also, I had no idea that their was even a derker version of the movie’s story. If they did go with that Dark version, it would have made it into a horror movie and not a comedy.

      1. Chris Sobieniak says:

        It certainly would. The movie was fine as it is personally, and this cartoon show was OK. It’s seems funny how often movies got adapted into cartoons despite no matter how many changes had to be made just to get it along anyway (making BJ a sort of merry mischief maker is pretty standard for your typical baddie character then).

  2. James Childress says:

    One of the best toons ever! I loved the visual puns. Very creatively written. If you happen to catch another animated series called “Ruby Gloom” you will see a lot of similarity in the visual and writing style as well as a lot of familiar sound effects used in Beetlejuice. Done by the same company.

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