You start to hear the sounds of the morning, the wind rustling the leaves, the chirping of the birds and that’s when you realize what day it is–Saturday! Cartoons! All week long you’ve been starved of cartoons, and now it is your time to feast! You throw off the covers, shove your feet in your slippers and sprint downstairs!

Grab that big bowl of C-3POs, adjust the antennae and plop down on the floor for your weekly dose of animated fun!

To continue with this week’s Lazer Tag theme: Lazer Tag Academy

So it’s not enough to just make a cartoon based on Lazer Tag, but you have to make it about TRAVELLING THROUGH TIME TOO! Did you ever watch this thing? Did you ever play Lazer Tag?

4 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Cartoon: Lazer Tag Academy

  1. Benjamin says:

    I saw that show when I was a kid and it was just odd. lol

  2. Chris says:

    I watched and played and even had a book (I think)

  3. Chris Sobieniak says:

    Well, it was the 80’s and they were turning any fad/merchandise into a cartoon whether we liked it or not.

    1. gabe says:

      Yep! Same as now, except with movies…

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