Why? Why did this fashion exist for women? It was such a accepted thing that when you would see women wearing shirts with shoulder pads you wouldn’t think twice about it. I mean who wants their neck to look long and slender, short and stout all the way–why shouldn’t women try look like men.

I am declaring the Golden Girls were the queens of the shoulder pads, Rose (Betty White), and Blanche (Rue McClanahan) especially. Dorothy (Bea Arthur) was in no need of them though, she already looked like a linebacker.

2 thoughts on “Artifacts of the Analog Age: Shoulder Pads

  1. Aron says:

    Oh man, I’m still finding shirts, jackets, and dresses in second hand stores, that have these things in them! It’s crazy to think these were more commonplace than not!

  2. Savage says:

    I blame the cyclical nature of fashion. Expect a resurgence and stock up.

    There’s even a Wikipedia page for it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoulder_pads_%28fashion%29

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