How could you possibly improve upon sledding in the snow? Well, instead of just going down the hill straight, you can now spin around at the same time! Also called saucer sleds, these things were fun!
When we first saw them in action, my brother and I were amazed by how much faster they were compared to our 100 pound all wooden and metal sleds. Kids would just zoom down the hill, spinning, flipping over and falling.
The only downside was the fact that you couldn’t always see where you were going…

4 thoughts on “Artifacts of the Analog Age: UFO Sleds

  1. Nick says:

    These things were suicide! And coincidentally, the hill we used to sled on when I was a kid was called Suicide Hill. It was this secret nighttime hangout for kids that parents really didn’t know about, tucked away behind some trees at the crest of an overpass. Saucer sleds were all the rage there.

  2. fluffy says:

    The last time I rode on one of those was when I ran into a tree, feet first. I ended up going to the emergency room because it hurt so bad. Thankfully, nothing was broken, but I hurt for a week.

  3. Chris Sobieniak says:

    I’m sure most of us have had a Suicide Hill we can recall. It’s certainly ingrained itself in our brains the moment we attempt them.

  4. Mike L says:

    One of the earliest winter memories I have is of sledding with an aluminum saucer. They dented pretty much the first time you used them and you never faced forward. Second sled; a rolled up, permanently curled plastic sheet with a handle. Don’t remember what they called it. Love your site here.

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