7 thoughts on “Different

  1. Awesome!! I miss this stuff. I was born in ’86, but I too lived an analog childhood.

  2. Boob says:

    Life WAS different. So absolutely comforting. When you’re young, it’s like everything was a stimulate. Even crummy things like homework came packaged in a brightly colored “work book” with big type and cartoony pictures of people adding and subtracting apples. There was nothing to worry about at all. Even bullies didn’t seem to evolve until middle school – at least for me.

    Ya watched cartoons. Ya played with toys. Ya got to draw, drink Ecto Cooler, play video games, mom made everyone dinner. Everything I did was purely to stimulate imagination. Highly concentrated. There wasn’t enough time in the day to make a crayola book of all the He-Man figures I wanted, go to school, AND make a cardboard fort. Heck sometimes my homework was to draw something or find something for show ‘n’ tell. Oh yes – the class was gonna hear all about Voltron whether they wanted to or not.

    By the time high school rolled around, serious responsibilities started to kick in and it’s all kinda been down hill from there. Not in a bad way per say, just in a “you’ll never feel this way again” kinda way.

  3. gabe says:

    I think the key was not having any responsibilities. You could do anything you wanted, at anytime. This made everything seem important and productive. You wouldn’t have to worry about anything, especially the things in life that you need to worry about like health, shelter and moneys.
    Now when I free up time to do nothing, it kinda feels the same, just not nearly as magical and completely impossible to totally shake all responsibilities.

  4. Calvin says:

    I almost started crying. Childhood is wonderful… wish I could go back.

  5. alecho says:

    This is a very good Different 🙂 brought back memories!

  6. I really loved this..some of my best moments are the small ones that took place as a kid..and it still comforts me to think back and remember those special little memories. I though you really captured the thoughtfulness and essence well with this little short! I’m loving Life in the Analog Age! 😀

    1. gabe says:

      Aw thanks! I’m so happy that you got that feeling, that’s exactly what I was going for. I also get those warm fuzzy feelings 🙂

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